The 21st-century learning reformation
Dean Nelson Baker to deliver keynote on how higher education can adjust to better serve learners
In today’s global workforce, employers need to be able to recognize and cultivate talent more quickly, in a more complex environment than degree vs. non-degree can satisfy. However, with no current standardized framework for alternative credentials, everyone is trying to make sense of it all.
“Our future workforce will continue to accelerate in these kinds of needs,” says Nelson Baker, dean of Georgia Tech Professional Education. “Higher education needs to serve people along their entire lifespan.
Baker believes that this work needs to be accomplished collaboratively and globally, especially because of the nature of today’s international workforce. He’s eager to talk with industry and education leaders about shaping a new future that will benefit all learners at all stages of their lives. “We have as many students in our non-degree professional-development programs at Georgia Tech as we do in our degree programs, and that’s not unusual. The debate between education and training is getting stronger.”
Read the full article on eCampus News.