Train At Your Location

Flexible training and professional education solutions to fit your company’s needs.

Train Your Workforce

Industry and government partners rely on Georgia Tech Professional Education to train their workforces for success in STEM, business, and leadership. We offer established and custom-designed programs delivered at partner locations globally to meet specific employer and employee professional development needs.

Having the course at our location, and limiting attendance to our staff, enables free and open discussion of our specific program challenges.
- BAE Systems


With Georgia Tech Professional Education as your partner, you can deliver established and customized training to your employees at your location, on your schedule, and within your budget.

  • Save Money
    Reduce costs and save on employee travel expenses and time away from the office.
  • Flexible Schedule
    Schedule for the time, length, and place most convenient for you and your employees.
  • Group Training
    Boost team knowledge, refine processes, and provide a team-building opportunity.
  • Customize Content
    Provide expert instructors and tailored programs, unique to your organization's needs.
  • On-Site Training
    Choose your preferred location and we'll deliver the training in-person, at your convenience.
  • Earn a Certificate
    Enable your employees to earn a top-ranked credential and experience immediate ROI.

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