Georgia Tech-Savannah's coding boot camp hosts demo day

The Coding Boot Camp at Georgia Tech-Savannah hosted a demo day for its third graduating class to present their final projects.

June 08, 2018 | By Kelsey Harris
Student presenting demo project on computer

Aspiring coders presented a variety of projects including data collection for area real estate agents, an interactive text adventure game, and a real-time educational environment. Some even created a program to fill a need for their current employer.

Over the 24-week course, students learned everything from the basics of coding, algorithms and data structure, to intensive training in Javascript, Node.js, HTML, CSS, jQuery, and C# while creating a body of work for their budding portfolio. The program has already graduated almost 100 new students since it started in 2017.

Graduates of the boot camp received a certificate in Full Stack Flex Web Development from Georgia Tech Professional Education, which is the only university-backed boot camp in the state. The next Coding Boot Camp will be all online and starts July 14, 2018. 

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