National Distance Learning Week 2017
Seminar: What does our research tell us about our online students?

Seminar: What does our research tell us about our online students?
Speaker: Dr. Rob Kadel, Asst. Director, Research in Education Innovation, Center for 21st Century Universities
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 7, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST
Location: Global Learning Center, Room 129
Join us for an information and learning session on Community of Inquiry, a framework C21U and GTPE researchers tested in one of GT engineering MOOCs, and the results of the demographic and learner experience surveys administered in all of Georgia Tech Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This information and discussion will begin to paint a picture of our learner profiles and help us generate ideas on how best to meet our learners' needs.
Meeting Join Details:
To join via phone:
- Dial: +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) - Enter Conference ID : 870597104
Online Faculty Appreciation Luncheon (invitation only)
Facilitator: Dr. Yakut Gazi, Associate Dean of Learning Systems, Georgia Tech Professional Education
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 8, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. EST
Location: Global Learning Center, Room 158
The luncheon, in honor of our online faculty, kicks off our National Distance Learning Week events. We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our online faculty and reflecting on the strides we've taken in learning at a distance over the last 40 years. This event is by invitation only.
Webinar: The Future of Work and the Academy
Speakers: Future of Work consultant, Heather McGowan, and UMass Dartmouth Chancellor, Robert E Johnson
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Global Learning Center, Room 129
Join us as we watch this webinar from Academic Impressions, discussing the following issues:
- What is driving the rapid change in the world of work?
- How will these changes transform the nature of work?
- What is the role of the college/university in this new climate?
- What does it mean for institutions to instill “learning agility?”
Faculty Panel Discussion: Managing a Large Online Class
Speakers: Dr. Joel Sokol, Director, M.S. in Analytics/Online Master of Science in Analytics/Associate Professor,
Dr. Leo Mark. Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Georgia Tech Professional Education and
Dr. David Joyner, Lecturer in the College of Computing
Date: Thursday, November 9, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Global Learning Center, Room 129 and Online
Large classes can be impactful and worthwhile to teach, but teaching a large online class can be unnerving. During National Distance Learning week, please join us for a panel discussion on the best practices and strategies for success in large online classes. Topics include: establishing rapport with students, grading assignments, providing meaningful and timely feedback, checking attendance, and overall course management.
Meeting Join Details:
To join via phone:
- Dial: +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) - Enter Conference ID : 846396341