Professional Programs at Georgia Tech Recognized for Innovation and Value

The University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), a leader in professional, continuing and online education has announced the recipients of the 2017 Association Awards. Georgia Institute of Technology was selected for awards recognizing institutional and individual achievements.
Georgia Tech’s Online Master of Science Degree in Computer Science (OMS CS) was voted to receive the UPCEA Outstanding Program award in the credit category. The program, launched in 2014, demonstrated to the world that a high quality education can be accessible to students worldwide at minimal cost. This award recognizes Georgia Tech for excellence in achieving educational objectives.
Offered by the College of Computing, the OMS CS is one of several online master’s programs that Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE) facilitates for the Institute.
“Since 1977, Georgia Tech Professional Education has been serving working professionals by bringing innovative, impactful education tailored to their needs,” said Nelson Baker, dean of GTPE. “We’re grateful to UPCEA for honoring our progress and recognizing our contributions to higher education.”
In addition, University Learning Store (ULS) was chosen for the UPCEA Outstanding Program award in the noncredit category. The program was launched in 2016 in collaboration with some of the nation’s top universities, including Georgia Tech Professional Education, and founded by University of Wisconsin-Extension Division of Continuing Education, Outreach and E-Learning. The award recognizes outstanding professional and continuing education programs that do not offer degree credit.
University Learning Store offers career-focused micro-credentials in the form of digital badges from the following universities: Georgia Tech Professional Education; UCLA; University of California, Davis Extension; University of California Irvine Division of Continuing Education; University of Washington Professional and Continuing Education; and the founder and managing partner University of Wisconsin-Extension Division of Continuing Education, Outreach and E-Learning.
Nicole de Vries, application support analyst at Georgia Tech Professional Education, was selected to receive the Adelle F. Robertson Continuing Professional Educator Award, which recognizes the scholarship, leadership and contributions to the profession of a person who has entered the field within the past five to ten years.
Award recipients will be honored at the UPCEA 102nd Annual Conference on March 23 in Chicago.