UPCEA SOL+R 2018 Summit

GTPE leaders share insights about creating and delivering programs at scale

June 20, 2018 | By Gordana Goudie
Black and white shot of a city skyline

At the UPCEA SOL+R 2018 Summit in Washington, DC, in June, members of the GTPE executive leadership team shared their knowledge and insights about programs at scale with leaders and senior staff from higher education institutions all over the country. Nelson Baker, dean; Patrice Miles, assistant dean of business operations; and Yakut Gazi, associate dean of learning systems; participated in panels focused on various aspects of programs at scale with representatives from other top-ranked universities.

Baker discussed governance and compliance and addressed senior leaders and their teams during the Online Leadership Roundtable. The discussion built on the Programs-at-Scale Track, which focused on creating an actionable plan for scaling participants’ online programs. He also moderated a session focused on setting the stage to scale up programs.  

Miles took part in a panel on financial models and partnerships and also moderated a discussion on options for delivering at-scale programs and whether to do so with or without a partner.

Gazi took part in panel discussions focused on preparing to scale up programs, exploring learner services and learner engagement, and the role of faculty in meeting learner needs. She also participated in a session that addressed design and maintaining quality and rigor in at-scale programs.


Nelson Baker moderating the Programs at Scale: Setting the Stage to Scale Up Programs panel featuring Jeffrey Goss (Arizona State University), Marni Baker Stein (Western Governors University), Karen Dowdall-Sandford (University of Washington), Rovy Branon (University of Washington), and Yakut Gazi (GTPE).

Patrice Miles moderating the Programs at Scale: Go It Alone or Partner? panel featuring Karen Dowdall-Sandford (University of Washington), Marni Baker Stein (Western Governors University), Jocelyn Rojeck (Arizona State University), and Nelson Baker (GTPE).