Generative AI Application for Supply Chain Professionals

Section Summary

Course Format
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M-F 8:00-5:00 EST

Meeting Times

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1. Foundational knowledge: Basic understanding of supply chain concepts and operations; familiarity with inventory, logistics, and procurement

2. Data literacy: Experience working with data; knowledge of data analysis, statistics, and visualization recommended

3. Technology proficiency: Proficient with computer systems; no specific programming required but must be open to learning new tools

4. Business acumen: Understanding of business processes in supply chains; beneficial in particular for managers, analysts, and executives

5. Curiosity and open-mindedness: Eagerness to explore generative AI; creative thinking and adaptability to new technologies is crucial

6. No prior AI experience required: Suitable for both AI novices and those with some AI knowledge


Recommended: Digital device (laptop, tablet)

Provided: Course content shared

Technology Requirements

Verify you meet the minimum browser and computer requirements for this section.

How to Access Your Course Content

  • Claim your Georgia Tech (GT) account, set up your GT account password and view your GT account user name. This account is different from your account and password on this website.
    • Claim your Georgia Tech (GT) account OR
    • Check your inbox for an email with a direct link.
      NOTE: It may take up to an hour from registration for your GT account to be established and the email to be sent. We appreciate your patience.
  • Note your GT username and password. You will need both to access your course materials.
  • Log in to your course with the course platform delivery link below.

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