Online Master of Science in Cybersecurity - Curriculum

Apply Now for Fall 2025!


Our Online Master of Science in Cybersecurity (OMS Cybersecurity) program will give you the knowledge and skills necessary for a thriving career as a cybersecurity expert and leader in a cutting-edge, high-demand field. Featuring the same world-class instruction as our on-campus program, you’ll learn from faculty whose cybersecurity ingenuity and research is sought by the country’s top companies and government experts.

OMS Cybersecurity is a part-time master’s program designed to be completed in two to three years; however, it is flexible enough that you have up to six years.

The degree program consists of courses covering the threats and defenses to information theft, as well as policies and strategies to keep information secure. In addition, you will get to focus on your individual interests via a specialized track (area of concentration). Each track requires an additional six courses — four track-specific courses and two elective courses.

You'll also attain a broad view of the cybersecurity field by choosing an elective class from a track outside your specialty.

Practicum Course

The degree program culminates with a five-credit-hour practicum that enables you to apply previously learned concepts and classroom teachings to a project of significant interest to you. Through the Practicum course, you have the opportunity to apply concepts and classroom teaching to a real-world cybersecurity problem you choose.

Students must complete a minimum of eight courses with a "C" or higher, including Introduction to Security (CS 6035) and Information Security Policies and Strategies (PUBP 6725) prior to the practicum. Additionally, Information Security students must also complete the Information Security Lab (CS 6264 or CS 6265) prior to the practicum.

The practicum course is permit-only and students must complete the Practicum Interest Survey and meet the prerequisite requirements to obtain their registration permit. The Practicum Interest Survey is emailed to potentially eligible students in advance: March for summer practicum, June for fall practicum, and October for Spring practicum.

Visual Snapshot

Our OMS Cybersecurity curriculum grid breaks down the different types of courses and concentrations into digestible components. For more details about each track’s focus, scroll down to the section below.

Areas of Specialization

Each student in the degree program declares an area of specialization within the discipline of cybersecurity. There are three focus areas available: an Information Security track, a Cyber-Physical Systems track, and a Policy track. The summaries below describe each in more detail.

Information Security Track

The Information Security track concentrates on principles and practical techniques for developing safeguards that can help secure computers and networks. Secure software development, identity and access management, network intrusion detection and prevention, and forensics and incident response are some of the areas that are covered in-depth. In addition, a lab course gives students hands-on experience with advanced security analysis tools to discover and mitigate software and network vulnerabilities.

Cyber-Physical Systems Track

The Cyber-Physical Systems track focuses on the specialized concerns for keeping control of the operations and information embedded in components involved in energy creation, storage, and transmission. Although the focus is on electrical power systems, the concepts you learn and the knowledge you gain can be applied to other domains such as manufacturing, chemical processing, agriculture, and others.

Policy Track

The Policy track approaches cybersecurity from the management aspect, including the administrative, market, and public policy tools used to keep cyberspace safe. This concentration focuses on the way IT security is affected by organizational, national, and international policies. Topics covered include security policy frameworks, global internet governance, privacy technologies and law, critical infrastructure policies, cyberspace as a domain for international conflict, and multilateral cyber norm development.


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