SEP 2017 Update

  • Overview
  • Course Content
  • Requirements & Materials

SEP 2017 Update

Course Description

Upon successful completion of this online course, Superior Energy Performance (SEP)-certified practitioners will be able to update credentials to the 2017 SEP Program. This course is relevant for the following credentials: Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems (CP EnMS), SEP Lead Auditor, and the SEP Performance Verifier. In order to be able to help your organization meet the new requirements or to audit the new requirements, you will need to complete this course. It will provide information on the updates to the SEP suite of documents, including ANSI/MSE 50021, ANSI/MSE 50028, the SEP certification protocol, the SEP scorecard, and the SEP Measurement and Verification (M&V) protocol.

Course Content


  • Changes to certification requirements for 2017 SEP program
  • New flexible baseline and achievement period requirements
  • New Bronze level certification


  • Changes to the SEP Scorecard
  • Elimination of mature pathway for certification
  • New Scorecard credits


  • Enhanced energy accounting
  • Bottom up comparison changes

ANSI/MSE 50021

  • Updates to 50021 standard
  • Energy balance update
  • Internal auditing updates for SEP program

ANSI/MSE 50028

  • Separation of ISO 50001 and SEP certification audits
  • New audit day tables
  • Multisite auditing
Requirements & Materials

Important Information

Access to the content for this course requires you to set up a password for your Georgia Tech (GT) account different from your account and password on this website.  

After you complete your registration follow the "How to Access Your Course Content" instructions which display on the session details (summary) page for this course.



  • Certified Practitioner of Energy Management Systems certification
  • SEP Lead Auditor certification
  • SEP Performance Verifier certification

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for the Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems (CP EnMS), SEP Lead Auditors, and SEP Performance Verifiers; organizations currently certified to the SEP 2012 program who want to understand the changes; and assessors for accreditation bodies who want to understand the changes.

Manufacturing professional participating in training course

What You Will Learn

  • SEP program changes
  • SEP Scorecard changes
  • ANSI/MSE 50021 standard changes
  • SEP M&V Protocol changes
  • ANSI/MSE 50028 standard changes
  • SEP Certification Protocol changes
A  wind turbine producing energy alongside solar panel

How You Will Benefit

  • Update your Superior Engery Performance credentials to the 2017 SEP program.
  • Audit the 2017 SEP program.
  • Understand what you need to do for your organization as a part of the transition to the 2017 program.
  • Taught by Experts in the Field icon
    Taught by Experts in the Field
  • Grow Your Professional Network icon
    Grow Your Professional Network

The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.

- Abe Kani


We enable employers to provide specialized, on-location training on their own timetables. Our world-renowned experts can create unique content that meets your employees' specific needs. We also have the ability to deliver courses via web conferencing or on-demand online videos. For 15 or more students, it is more cost-effective for us to come to you.

  • Save Money
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Group Training
  • Customize Content
  • On-Site Training
  • Earn a Certificate
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