Data Structures & Algorithms II: Binary Trees, Heaps, Skiplists, and Hashmaps

Massive Open Online Course
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Data Structures & Algorithms II: Binary Trees, Heaps, Skiplists, and Hashmaps

Course Description

This Data Structures & Algorithms course extends beyond linear data structures to the nonlinear and hierarchical data structures. The course begins by explaining Binary Trees and two subgroups: Binary Search Trees (BSTs) and Binary Heaps. You will program BSTs, their operations, and traversal algorithms, while investigating different collision strategies and implement one. A short Java review is presented on topics relevant to new data structures is also covered in this course.

The course design has several components and is built around modules. A module consists of a series of short (3-5 minute) instructional videos. In between the videos, there are textual frames with additional content information for clarification, as well as video errata dropdown boxes. All modules include an Exploratory Lab that incorporates a Visualization Tool specifically designed for this course.

Course Content





Requirements & Materials



  • Basic knowledge of the Java programming language, object-oriented principles, and the introductory data structures: arrays, linkedlists, stacks, queues, and deques.



  • Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable)

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn about nonlinear and hierarchical data structures; study binary trees, BSTs, and heaps; understand tree operations and algorithms; implement Hashmaps that store data using key-value pairs; or explore probabilistic data structures like Skiplists. Course tools will help visualize structures and performance.

Adult professional learning on a laptop

What You Will Learn

  • Mature Java programming skills by using recursion in tree ADTs
  • The different nonlinear, linked data structures: Trees, Heaps, SkipLists, and HashMaps
  • The significant uses and applications of hierarchical tree structures
  • Tree properties and categorizing based on shape and order
  • How to design and implement the binary trees: BSTS and Heaps
  • How to compute amortized analysis for BSTs, Heaps, HashMaps, and SkipLists
Female professional in computer science lab looking at tablet

How You Will Benefit

  • Experience in examining edge cases and efficiency that occur in BST and Heap operations.
  • Understand the up-heap, down-heap, and build-heap procedures.
  • Consider the probabilistic data structure, SkipLists, and randomization.
  • Implement the HashMap ADT with its key-value pairs.
  • Analyze the different collision strategies with HashMaps.
  • Taught by Experts in the Field icon
    Taught by Experts in the Field
  • Grow Your Professional Network icon
    Grow Your Professional Network
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The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.

- Abe Kani


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