Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations

  • Overview
  • Course Content
  • Requirements & Materials

Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations

Course Description

This course equips individuals with the skills to operate within a Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO) Cell or to effectively engage with such units. Learners will benefit from comprehensive operational-level training in JEMSO, cyber, and U.S. military strategies. Over a span of three days, this unclassified, operational-level course will delve into the execution of JEMSO based on key doctrines (JP 3-85, AFDP 3-85, and FM 3-38) as well as explore cyberspace operations informed by joint and service-specific guidelines (JP 3-12, AFDP 3-12, and FM 3-12).

Course Content

TOPIC – Course Introduction and Overview

  • Course Overview (learning objectives, goals, student accomplishment measurements & flow)

TOPIC– Overview of JEMSO

  • Introduction
  • Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3)
  • Relationship to Joint Functions

TOPIC– Organizing for JEMSO

  • Introduction
  • Responsibilities
  • Organization
  • Service Support
  • Intelligence Support Organizations
  • Multinational Force Organizations


  • Introduction
  • Planning Process and Considerations
  • Planning Considerations in Multinational Operations
  • Interorganizational Planning Considerations

TOPIC– Conducting JEMSO

  • Introduction
  • Execution
  • Assessment

TOPIC– DoD EMS Superiority Strategy

  • Introduction
  • Vision: Freedom of Action in the EMS
  • Guiding Principles and Strategic Goals
  • Implementation

TOPIC– Related U.S. Services Strategy

  • Introduction
  • U.S. Army – Cybersecurity EM Activities (CEMA)
  • U.S. Navy/U.S. Marine Corps/U.S. Coast Guard – EM Maneuver Warfare (EMW)
  • U.S. Air Force/U.S. Space Force - EMSO

TOPIC– U.S. Air Force Cyberspace Operations

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Cyberspace Operations—Terms, Definitions and Descriptions
  • Strategic Direction and Guidance
  • Understanding the Environment
  • Defining the Problem (Cyberspace Challenges and Threats)
  • Developing Cyberspace Missions: DoDIN Ops, DCO and OCO
  • Cyberspace Actions: Security, Defense, Exploitation and Attack
  • Cyberspace Organizations and Forces
  • Publications
  • Trends

TOPIC– Summary, Course Critique

Requirements & Materials


Downloadable copies of material presented.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for military and GS civilian staff working in or with JEMSO Cells, catering to a broad audience from electromagnetic warfare planners to intelligence professionals. Ideal for mid-level managers yet suitable for all ranks, it is a vital resource for those working in communications, spectrum management, and related fields to ensure effective collaboration and expertise in electronic-warfare (EW) operations.

What You Will Learn

  • JEMSO planning, organization, and assessment
  • Proficiency in U.S. Air Force cyberspace operations
  • Cyberspace strategies and tactics
  • Integration of JEMSO in joint and multi-national contexts
Occupational safety and health professionals collaborating on job site

How You Will Benefit

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of JEMSO and cyberspace complexities.
  • Enhance readiness to contribute effectively in JEMSO Cells and related organizations.
  • Deepen expertise in operational-level JEMSO operations.
  • Expand proficiency in operational-level cyberspace operations.
  • Improve strategic and tactical decision-making in JEMSO and cyberspace contexts.
  • Grow Your Professional Network icon
    Grow Your Professional Network
  • Taught by Experts in the Field icon
    Taught by Experts in the Field

The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.

- Abe Kani


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