FlexStack: Python Fundamentals 2 - Stringing Along Your Data and Stretching with Modules

FlexStack: Python Fundamentals 2 - Stringing Along Your Data and Stretching with Modules

Course Description

The second course in the FlexStack: Python Data Developer Certificate focuses on teaching participants how to transforms lines of data into useful visualizations with Matplotlib, a Python library used for data visualization. Participants will learn how to create and modify various plots, enhance visuals with custom styles, and determine which graphics complement specific data sets. The curriculum will also cover how to combine multiple plots for complex visualizations to gain deeper insights. Through the practical assignments, learners will gain a better understanding of Matplotlib. This includes discovering how to leverage its core components along with applying customization techniques to create effective visualizations, analyze data sets, evaluate plotting techniques, and interpret visual information.

Session Details

Who Should Attend

This entry-level course is intended for people who know how to use computers and are interested in learning how to program in Python. It is also recommended for individuals with experience in a different programming language or those in need of a refresher in Python.

Product Manager working on laptop computer

What You Will Learn

  • Methods for correctly processing and modifying string data 
  • Formulation of regular expressions to parse structured and unstructured data 
  • Ability to open, read, and write to files 
  • Re-use of custom code employing classes and functions within Python
  • Implementation of built-in Python modules and development of custom modules to extend program features 
  • Management of advanced errors and generation of custom errors to prevent early termination and program failures  


Cybersecurity professional working on computer

How You Will Benefit

  • Create programs with the basic functions and capabilities of Python. 
  • Enhance programs further with common Python frameworks and modules.
  • Retrieve, parse, manipulate, and output data from multiple sources and properly use Python data types.
  • Apply object-oriented concepts and principles to the Python programming language.
  • Reduce the impact of errors on programs using Python exception handling. 
  • Assess AI-generated code for accuracy and effectiveness 
  • Grow Your Professional Network icon
    Grow Your Professional Network
  • Taught by Experts in the Field icon
    Taught by Experts in the Field

The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.

- Abe Kani

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