Kitchen Sink Paragraph Examples - Multilevel Paragraphs
Multilevel paragraphs have settings of their own as well as the option to add a number of "child" paragraphs that display as some kind of list.
Block cards
Block Cards
Block card description
Learn moreBlock card description
CTABlock card item 3
Block card description, no CTA.
Block card item 4
Block card description, no CTA.
An FAQ Set is composed of multiple FAQ subsets, which display as a group of related FAQs. You can configure an FAQ subset in the following ways:
- Category - this determines the title of the accordion item that groups the FAQs in this subset.
- FAQs - You can choose a list of FAQs to include from a commonly accessible library. Like Blockquotes, if you change an FAQ it will change in all places that use it.
Featured Cards
Featured Cards - Custom
Body text of Featured Cards goes here. This example has "custom" featured card children, which means the items listed below are configured specially for this display and don't refer to other content on the site.
Featured Cards - Content Example
Description goes here.
This example shows cards that reference a course, certificate or blog, and display fields from that content. These kinds of cards can be mixed with "custom" feature cards, like in the example above.
Full Width Feature with Icons
There are two variants: gray and light.
Leadership block
Description goes here
Title goes here
Description goes here
Are cool!
Are nice!
- Tab 1
- Tab 2
- Tab 1
- Tab 2
Like blockquotes and FAQs, testimonials reference one or more commonly used testimonial records. If you change a testimonial here, it will change everywhere that it is referenced.